Here are Gilad and his team right in the middle of the action on world-famous Waikiki Beach. These 3 workouts include passing tourists who are encouraged to join in on the fun. It’s a workout party on the beach and you are invited.
SHOW #1008 Join Gilad, Felicia, Wendee, Kent, Lian, Bill, Sharla, Doreen, Jim and a spirited group of tourists for a great workout! Areas of the Day: Chest and Shoulders.
SHOW #1009 The sun is shining brightly and Trella joins the big group on this show. Areas of the Day: Back and Biceps.
SHOW #1010 Gilad officially puts friend Jim in charge of the tourists who are joining the workout in the background. Featured are Trella, Felicia, Wendee, Kent, Bill, Doreen, Lian and Sharla. Areas of the Day: Biceps and Triceps.
Total running time: 72 minutes.
Format: DVD only (works in all countries)
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