Return to Bodies in Motion Classic Collection - Vol. 1-10 Pack (10 DVDs)
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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 I love working out with Gilad June 8, 2022
Reviewer: Cindy Muxlow from North Port, FL United States  
These are great DVD's

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5 of 5 Bodies in Motion with Gilad dvds March 20, 2022
Reviewer: Virginia from NEWTON, KS United States  
I started doing excersizes with Gilad back in the 1980s and 1990s, I love how he works sections if the body and full body aerobics, I had some I taped on VHS from back then but decided I wanted them on dvd.  I ordered 10 of my favorite work out videos to start to helping me get back in shape.  I am now in my 60s and still love these workouts!!

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5 of 5 June 26, 2021
Reviewer: Peggy Johnson from Newark, OH United States  

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4 of 5 Getting Fit in Jerusalem January 6, 2021
Reviewer: Jacqueline Rees from Dubbo, NSW Australia  
This DVD does not work.  Could you please send me a replacement, if you send you send me a prepaid postage envelope and will be able to return the DVD that is not working to you.

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  1 of 1 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Getting back into shape is easier with Gilad October 8, 2020
Reviewer: Veronica Estrada-Tarango from Las Cruces, NM United States  
I’m a longtime fan of Gilad’s workout routines but after having my son 7 years ago life took over and I let exercise go by the wayside. When we were sent home due to the pandemic I finally got motivated to focus on my health and now had plenty of time. I started with the beginner workouts and have worked my way up to the low impact. I’m down 8 lbs and now have lots of energy to keep up with my 7 year old. Thank you to Gilad and the whole team that works behind the scenes. The shipping was fast and all the DVDs were in excellent condition. The money was well worth it and I look forward to reaching my goal weight as well purchasing again. Aloha!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Working out with a Friend! August 10, 2020
Reviewer: Eric Blix from San Pedro, CA United States  
I feel like the Prodigal Brother I consider You a Cool Older Brother!  First got out of the Marines  in 1985.  I liked Your Show.  I needed to work out on my own.  You were Great keeping me motivated.   purchased a set on VHS. Tell you of myself I love to run!  I have ran two LA Marathons.  This year I competed in "Conquer the Bridge"  My Pride was hurting I completed it but so many people passed me!  So I look for you in stores but only seen other people : ( so at the Good Will thrift shop I picked out this work out DVD I will not mention His name.  But He did not have like You always did a Stretch and warm up.  I said to myself Gilad would not do this.  So I put it in the Lobby of my apartment complex. Gilad would have quarter impulse power before Warp Factor 9 : ) but with Covid Have not run in a  while.  So then I thought of online! It is great to be with my Friend Again!  I have put on some pounds myself.  So now I can work out at Home! So Thank You so Much Gilad You are the Best!

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5 of 5 Lots of Variety! June 14, 2020
Reviewer: Malinda Bathurst from Oak Hills, CA United States  
I’m happy I bought this 10pk of videos. There is a great variety of different work outs, most an hour or more. I love the 30 min videos on TV so I want to see if they have more 30 min videos instead of the hour ones. I was hoping for more 30 min workouts but I’m happy to have this option.

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5 of 5 Abs video May 13, 2020
Reviewer: Donald Ball from Toledo, OH United States  
Great workout sessions

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5 of 5 2020 Pandemic Will Not Stop Me May 4, 2020
Reviewer: Jimmy from Orlando, FL United States  
I remember working out with Bodies in Motion in high school.  I would come home from school and work out with Gilad.
Now my gym is closed for the pandemic.
I have been coming home from work and exercising with Gilad.
Great music,  Beautiful scenery,  and Challenging exercises.
Thanks Gilad!

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  0 of 0 people found the following review helpful:
5 of 5 Workout DVDS January 22, 2020
Reviewer: Marlene Scott from 301 Engamore LN Norwood ma 02062  
I enjoy working out with Gilad DVDs, and has lost weight doing so

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